A New England foundation that collected thousands of toys for military families stationed at Joint Base Cape Cod are scrambling to solicit donations after the trailers in Bourne, Massachusetts where the gifts were burned in a fire and completely destroyed.

Nine trailers in all were ruined in the blaze — property of the Cape Cod Military Support Foundation which gives out the fun trinkets, gizmos and knickknacks at events.

According to the Cape Cod Times, about 200 backpacks jam-packed with school supplies, decorations and over 6,000 other toys and items were lost. They were slotted to be given out at a holiday party on December 11.

The foundation is now on the hook to come up with toys for almost a thousand children.

If you’d like to help, here’s how to go about it …


Donate money. Send a check to Cape Cod Military Foundation Inc. P.O. Box 641, Fallmouth, MA 02541.

Or …

Donate toys. To do so, email Don Cox at doncox2@comcast.net.