For the second day in a row, soldiers at Mississippi’s Camp Shelby reported shots were fired at them, this time at approximately 8 am Wednesday morning, according to the Department of Defense.

The gunfire was reported in the same vicinity as Tuesday’s incident, which soldiers said came from a motorist at approximately 11:45 am.

More from local ABC affiliate WLOX:

Soldiers training at the Camp Shelby Joint Forces Training Center reported shots fired into the air in the vicinity of Peret Tower Road and Highway 29 in Perry County, according to the news release.

The shooter is described as a white male in a red pickup truck, make and model unknown. This is the same description of the man described to authorities during yesterday’s incident.

The Camp Shelby Joint Forces training center is currently at a heightened state of alert. No service members have been hurt or injured in today’s incident. The post is secure and all personnel are accounted for.

Camp Shelby is currently participating in a coordinated effort with Perry County authorities to locate the suspect responsible for today’s incident.

Stay tuned for any updates regarding this critical incident.

If anyone has information please contact the local Camp Shelby authorities at (601) 558-2000.

Camp Shelby is a U.S. military installation just outside Hattiesburg, Mississippi.