If there’s any fallen soldier who doesn’t need an introduction, it’s Pat Tillman. A legendary American military figure who we’ve chronicled many times on this blog alone, the United States Army Ranger’s story is as tragic as it is inspiring.

Which brings us the matter of people making money off of it, behind the camouflaged veil of honor and patriotism. Like the subject of this tweet, which announced the fact that Tillman’s alma mater — Arizona State University — will have their football team wear cleats (manufactured by a multibillion-dollar brand) designed to recognize their former student athlete who gave his life for his country:

Thankfully, a donation will be made to the Pat Tillman Foundation, which is an organization that “invests in military veterans and spouses through academic scholarships”.

According to the nonprofit, they’re “partners” with the big brand and the big university. Hopefully the charity is getting a bigger chunk of the dough than the latter two, but that’s probably wishful thinking.

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