The Air Force is accepting applicants to its second round of its Career Intermission Program. A panel will accept 20 officers and 20 enlisted airmen from the Air Force, Air Force Reserves and Air National Guard to the program.

The program was established to allow talented pilots to pursue other life goals such as starting a family, finishing their education or caring for an elderly parent. Granting select pilots this flexibility also encourages the airman to stay in the service after their sabbatical is over.

“We look at it as an investment,” said Lt. Col. Marcos Garcia, Air Force Personnel Center Accessions Branch chief. “We’re looking at maintaining top performing airmen that might otherwise leave the Air Force.”

Airmen who take advantage of the Career Intermission Program are granted one to three years off while retaining all of military benefits. While airmen from any Air Force career can apply, they must complete their initial enlistment commitment first.

Interested airmen can apply for the program through the Air Force Personnel Service website through August 31.