There’s a massive region of white desert in New Mexico. You know, right around where Walter White used to cook the bad stuff in his old RV with little Jessie Pinkman — not far from where Tuco almost ended their party.

Anyway, it’s also a land where paratroopers from the 82nd Airborne Division ride in gigantic C-130 Globemasters then, as they’re wont to do, jump out. One such United States Army soldier, Sergeant Dillon Heyliger, decided to do it last fall with a GoPro strapped to his person — and fruit of his donning the little camera is absolutely stunning.

Not only do you get to witness what it’s like as he floats in the air post-jump, but you get to see the preamble, and how hundreds of paratroopers do the dive in order from the behemoth aircraft motoring across the picturesque American Southwest.

Scared of heights? Suck it u and watch it anyway. You’ll inherit a newfound appreciation for what these airborne operators do …

One YouTube commenter offered a zen thought upon watching the eight-minute video:

“It must be comforting to look up and see all of your buddies gliding to earth along with you.”

Yes. It must.