To keep the British military at the forefront of military technology, the Ministry of Defense has funded a project called Starpoint to revamp its Navy by 2050. The group of scientists and engineers working on Starpoint have many years for their ideas to reach fruition, but they’ve already explored what the British Navy might look like in its most technological advanced form.

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Starpoint plans to provide Navy vessels with 3D command tables that would allow the crew to view, rotate and zoom into the battlefield. It would provide vessels with better situational awareness, both in and out of the water.

High-tech carriers and destroyers will also be built with an acrylic hull that can become translucent, a 3D printer to produce fleets of drones and electro-magnetic weapons.

The crown jewel of Starpoint will be the Dreadnaught 2050, a sleek stealth vessel made of acrylic composites.

_85237119_warship3Rather and housing aircraft on top of its hull, the Dreadnaught 2050 would store and launch the latest generation of aircraft in an interior garage.



These renderings look impressive, but only time will tell with Starpoint’s ingenuity and Britain’s military funding will be able to make these dreams a reality.