About $136,000.**

That’s what it cost the United States Air Force — i.e. the American taxpayers — to scramble a couple of F-16 fighter jets to help bring a commercial aircraft in safe for an emergency landing after a batsh*t crazy Czech model lost her mind when the plane’s flight crew locked her “comfort cat” in the bathroom.

The incident went down on a Condor airlines’ Boeing 767 passenger jet soaring from Frankfurt, Germany to (where else?) Las Vegas, Nevada.

The cat lady in question goes by the name of Zaneta Hucikova, and you can bet your bottom dollar she’s not visiting the United States again anytime soon. When the plane finally landed authorities discovered that she had overstayed her work visa.

This preceded by a scene that won’t soon be forgotten by all riding that raucous, absurd flight that just so happened to be trafficking a lunatic and her tiny beast.

This from War Is Boring:

The passengers said Hucikova then became violent. She slapped a flight attendant and tossed a paper cup at another.

Federal authorities detained Hucikova in Denver.

“I heard she got a cat with her on the plane and the plane crew didn’t know she was going to take a cat with her on the plane,” passenger Fritz Peterson told Denver CBS affiliate KCNC‑TV.

According to several news sources, the cat remains under federal supervision.

**- Here’s where we came up with the $136,000 figure. We factored in three hours of flight time per aircraft, which might be liberal for an estimate but it’s not like firing up a million dollar fighter jet is like starting a lawnmower. There are a ton of moving parts/people/ins/outs.