Remember that part in The Big Lebowski when Jackie Treehorn’s goons punch out The Dude so hard that he slips into this fantastical dream sequence with Saddam Hussein giving him bowling shoes and Maude dressed up like a viking princess and a seemingly endless chorus line of lady dancers in costumes?
Okay now imagine that instead of Jeffrey Lebowski getting knocked out and having that dream, it was Chuck Yeager or Charles Lindbergh or Val Kilmer’s character from Top Gun.
The fantasy would probably look identical to what you’re about to see in the following footage:
This from the YouTube description:
This F-16 armada line-up you see here is called [an] Elephant Walk. A aeronautics USAF term for the taxiing of military aircraft right before takeoff, when they are in close formation. Often, it takes place right before a Minimum Interval Takeoff. The benefits of an elephant walk include being able to show the capability of the units as well as teamwork. It is often performed to prepare squadrons and pilots for the launching of fully armed aircraft in one mass event.