When you jump from an airplane with a parachute on and you’re military (most likely a soldier), you’re a paratrooper.

When you jump from an airplane with a parachute on and you’re military and you unleash the plastic safety plume on your back but part of it catches onto the aircraft, you’re no longer a paratrooper. You’re a hanging, weighted object dangling on a baby’s mobile. In this case, it’s a mobile for a gigantic baby, because the C-130 or whatever military plane you’re jumping from is huge, and that mobile would be awfully tough to play with if you weren’t a giant toddler.

Anyway, that’s pretty much what happened to this Mexican paratrooper in the following footage. On the laundry list of awful things that can go awry when jumping out of a plane thousands of feet in the air, this is definitely one of them:
