The former governor of Florida was making his way after a town hall-style meeting Wednesday morning, signing autographs and shaking hands when a young 19-year-old woman — Ivy Ziedrich, a political science major at the University of Nevada — hollered over the crowd, got his attention and threw him a curveball.
“Governor Bush,” she said. “Would you take a student question?”
According to The New York Times, she felt compelled to address Jeb after she heard him say that the United States’ retreat from the Middle East under President Obama “had contributed to the growing power of the Islamic State [otherwise known as ‘ISIS’]”.
Ziedrich told the younger Bush that he was wrong. It wasn’t the current administration’s decisions that have caused ISIS’s rise.
It was his brother’s choice, rather, to disband the Iraqi army and leave more than 30,000 individuals without income and access to a generous arsenal.
Here’s the remaining dialogue, from The New York Times:
“Your brother created ISIS.”
Mr. Bush interjected. “All right. Is that a question?”
Ms. Ziedrich was not finished. “You don’t need to be pedantic to me, sir.”
“Pedantic? Wow,” Mr. Bush replied.
Then Ms. Ziedrich asked: “Why are you saying that ISIS was created by us not having a presence in the Middle East when it’s pointless wars where we send young American men to die for the idea of American exceptionalism? Why are you spouting nationalist rhetoric to get us involved in more wars?”
Mr. Bush replied: “We respectfully disagree. We have a disagreement. When we left Iraq, security had been arranged, Al Qaeda had been taken out. There was a fragile system that could have been brought up to eliminate the sectarian violence.”
He added: “And we had an agreement that the president could have signed that would have kept 10,000 troops, less than we have in Korea, could have created the stability that would have allowed for Iraq to progress. The result was the opposite occurred. Immediately, that void was filled.”
He concluded: “Look, you can rewrite history all you want. But the simple fact is that we are in a much more unstable place because American pulled back.”
Mr. Bush turned away. The conversation was over.
Mornings are pretty much always a tough time to take heat. Betcha Jeb wishes he were on the golf course, rather than taking “questions”.
Maybe you should learn from his misstep? And grab a brand new club.
You know, let the “big dog eat”.