Decorated veteran Kristin Beck caused a media firestorm when she publicly came out as a woman in 2013, and just two years later she is launching herself back into the fray to run for Congress.

Beck had served in the U.S. Navy SEALS as Christopher Beck for 20 years and 13 deployments before she made her transition. During her tenure as a member of SEAL Team Six, Beck earned 29 medals for her service and valor, including a Bronze Star and Purple Heart.

Similar to the widespread reaction to Caitlyn Jenner’s debut in early June, the contrast between Beck’s history and new identity was surprise to her friends, family and former teammates. Even so, Beck is charging forward to challenge incumbent Steny Hoyer for Maryland’s 5th Congressional District seat.

Beck is polarizing in both the LGBT and military communities. On one hand, she condemned transgender veteran Chelsea Manning and claimed that Caitlyn Jenner “was no hero” on national television. On the other, the military doesn’t allow transgender people to serve.

Beck just doesn’t fit perfectly into any one box. Whether this versatility will help or hinder her 2016 electoral campaign remains to be seen.