And we thought accidentally breaking off parts of King Tut’s priceless golden mask was bad. 

But that, gentle souls, was spilled milk when compared to what the Egyptian military went ahead and did recently.

No, scratch that — it’s not even spilled milk. It’s skim milk when compared to what the Egyptian military went ahead and did recently.

They sentenced a toddler — a freaking four-year-old child — to life in prison.


According to the Washington Post and the BBC, Egyptian defense officials convicted Ahmed Mansour Qurani Ali of killing four people, almost killing eight more and vandalizing government property.

Fortunately, the northern African country now admits that it was all a big mistake.

More from the Post:

Ali was convicted of those terrible acts alongside 115 others in reference to riots carried out in 2014 by supporters of the Muslim Brotherhood. The child’s lawyer told the BBC that Ali’s addition to the list of suspects was the result of a mistake made when officials neglected to pass his birth certificate along to a judge.

That mistake was confirmed by an Army colonel in a Facebook post. The convictions, he said, were meant for someone who shares Ali’s first three names: 16-year-old Ahmed Mansour Qurani Sharara.

Good news on Ali being exonerated though. Can’t imagine his fellow inmates would’ve taken too kindly to him sucking on a pacifier or asking them to help him tie his shoelaces.