Back about a month ago we did a story about that YouTuber kid who affirmed the fear and ideology of every robot phobic everywhere when he attached a flamethrower to a drone and filmed it. If you recall, area legislators quickly stepped and tried to put the kibosh on such a practice (in this instance it was lawmakers from Connecticut).

You might also recall this tidbit toward the end of the piece, that spelled out an interesting and key factoid regarding flamethrowers in general:

State laws banning weaponized drones do not affect military bases that develop and launch military drones. Though the U.S. military is already attaching guns and bombs to its drones, it won’t do the same with flamethrowers because it has already removed fire weapons from its own arsenal.

During World War II, both the Allies and Axis powers sprayed flames on the battlefield to send their adversaries scrambling in terror. In the Korean and Vietnam wars, Marines used mounted flamethrowers on armored vehicles to burn a war path through the jungle and incinerate enemies. The U.S. military stopped using fire weapons in 1978 because the public found them too horrifying. The United Nations adopted a resolution to ban flamethrowers and other needlessly violent weapons in 1983, and the U.S. ratified it in 2008.

This is definitely a good thing. And while the following slow motion footage is, in some twisted way, gorgeous? and beautiful? it also supports the ban of such a weapon in combat. It literally spits hellfire from its mouth — a war utensil fit for dystopian fiction rather than real life.

Flamethrowers. Turning mortal human beings into mystical, evil war dragons since the 1st Century A.D.