Airmen have heard all the shade. And they’ve heard it from every other branch, and even civilians (which is preposterous but …)

Chair Force. Air Scouts. Geeks. Zoomies.

It is what it is.

Here’s a former United States Army soldier breaking it down through a made-up scenario (via Quora):

The Army is ordered to secure a building. They set up claymores and lay mines around the perimeter, string concertina wire, set up firing positions, sketch range cards, and start a guard schedule.

The Air Force is ordered to secure a building. They take out a 10 year lease with an option to buy and make several upgrades including air conditioning.

We’re, of course, setting up the inevitable. An airman — from the U.S. Air Force — going through the grueling paces of a U.S. Marine, and the Corps’ PFT (Physical Fitness Test).

Right … here:

And just to even things up, here’s Kyle Gott (the same airman from the video above) taping his Marine buddy friend doing the USAF PFT: