Back in 2004, United States Navy SEAL Colin Supko was in Fallujah, Iraq, fighting and commanding his team, with the aim of starting a company back home pretty much one of the last things on his mind.

But then something profound happened — and, strangely enough, it had nothing to do with combat.

One day, one of his fellow warriors came to him appearing upset and worried. He had just got off the SAT-PHONE with his wife.

She had listed the family car one of the popular classified sites in an attempt to sell it. Instead of unloading the vehicle through a regular, run-of-the-mill transaction, she had been assaulted.

She had been robbed at gunpoint.

Supko, extremely troubled by the incident, began to wonder: why wasn’t there a safe place where military and their loved ones can buy, sell and trade things? Why did they have to live in fear of one of their family members being robbed, scammed or worse?

Thus, in that command center in Fallujah more than a decade ago, a startup, and an website/app was born.


Supko has turned his dream into a reality: a secure digital space where verified military members and their families can wheel and deal without any trepidation.

“We built PatriotList.US because we observed an eroding security situation in the U.S. for our active duty and veteran families,” said Supko. “We saw a tremendous opportunity to serve the nation’s 24 million military families and veterans by creating a safe peer-to-peer marketplace. This platform de-risks buying, selling, and trading by connecting our users with other verified members of our trusted community.”

For more information about the exciting new community, click here.

To download the app for Android, click here.

If you have an iPhone, get the app at the iTunes Store by clicking here.