After the shocking video of Deputy Ben Fields lifting a high school student out of her seat and slamming her to the floor went viral this week, more people have come forward with tales of Fields’ violent brand of law enforcement. One of those people was 10-year Army veteran Carlos Martin, who was assaulted by Fields ten years ago while wearing uniform.

Martin was an Army medic serving at Moncrief Army Community Hospital when he ran into Fields in the parking lot on his way home. Fields and Martin argued over the volume of the music in Martin’s car, but then Martin says Fields “snapped.”

The officer slammed Martin down and began to pepper spray the prone veteran, but because Martin was trained in the Army to resist chemicals, Fields’ emptied his entire can without disabling Martin.

“He became even more violent because I didn’t react like most people would,” Martin told the New York Daily News.

Enraged that the pepper spray did not work, Fields began to beat Martin and his wife, who took photos of the encounter on her cell phone.

Martin was arrested as a result of his encounter with Fields, and while his criminal charges were dropped he blames the event for his military discharge and divorce. He filed a lawsuit against Fields for civil rights violations, but it took four years to get to court and was dismissed.

Martin’s ex-wife Tashiana Rogers said that the failure to punish Fields back then allowed him to continue to hurt others. “I felt like if he had felt the consequences from 2005, this wouldn’t happen today,” she said.

if you haven’t seen it already, watch the video of Field throwing around a high school student below.