Delta Force Soldier Killed in ISIS Assault, Not Rescue Mission
Master Sgt. Joshua Wheeler, a 20-year military veteran who served 14 tours in Iraq and Afghanistan before being killed in combat, did not die while carrying out a rescue operation […]
Green Berets Called Deadly Airstrike on Nonprofit Hospital to Root Out Taliban
The Army Green Berets that ordered an airstrike on a civilian hospital on Oct. 2 thought the hospital was harboring the Taliban. This is a departure from the Army’s original explanation […]
BREAKING NEWS: U.S. Navy Destroyer Passes Threateningly Close to Chinese Island in South China Sea
According to a United States defense official, an American naval destroyer cruised within just 12 nautical miles of a Chinese manmade island in the South China Sea early Tuesday challenging […]
STOLEN VALOR! False Navy SEAL Called Out at Virginia University
If you’re going to attempt to “steal” valor, it helps to have your fake (or real) name match the name that’s displayed on the uniform you’re wearing. Apparently, this lying […]
Hoodlums Decapitate, Chop Up Beloved American Icon
A Ronald McDonald statue permanently seated on a park bench in a sleepy New England town, one that over the years has served as a popular source of hope and happiness […]
This Video of Sumo Wrestlers Running Will Renew Your Faith in Plus-Sized Humanity
Sumo (相撲), where two large mounds of flesh rumble in a fashion that closely resembles Western-style wrestling, is considered a modern Japanese martial art. Look up the word “martial” in an English […]
ISIS is Trying to Stop American Air Strikes With…Condom Bombs?
Now that the United States, Russia and Syria are pummeling Islamic State outposts from the skies, ISIS militants have been forced to defend themselves with bombs made from the only […]
This Video Flies Through Hurricane Patricia, Captures Worst Turbulence in North American History
Experiencing turbulence on a commercial airliner through a patch of fluffy clouds is one thing. Anyone who’s ever had the privilege of soaring through the air in a metal bird has felt that. […]
This NYT Obit on Fallen Delta Force Soldier Will Change the Way You Look at Your Life
This isn’t news; but it’s true. There are extraordinary Americans serving in the United States military. Amidst a popular culture that sees comic-based superhero movies rake in billions and billions […]
Marine Fighter Pilot Killed in UK Plane Crash Didn’t Eject Because He Was Trying to Save Lives
Last week, British news outlets reported that an American aircraft had crashed in the English countryside, resulting in the death of U.S. Marine pilot Maj. Taj Sareen. Even as his […]
Amid Budget Cuts, U.S. Army Forced to ‘Borrow’ Helicopters From the British
In the wake of immense budget cutbacks, the United States military presence in Europe was recently forced to ask a NATO ally, the British, to borrow a few of their […]
Two Military Veterans Finish Marine Corps Marathon for 40th Time
Though one is pushing 70 and the other 75, two Marine veterans have not quit running for forty years. In the Marine Corps Marathon (MCM), ‘ground pounders’ are the runners […]
China’s President Bans Golf
If you’re reading this, and you’re an elite leader in China’s Communist Party (one of 88 million people) you can toss your golf clubs in the trash, because your president […]
Defense Secretary: A Veteran’s ‘Combat Death’ Isn’t a ‘Combat Role’
In the wake of Army Master Sgt. Joshua A. Wheeler’s death during a joint hostage-rescue operation in Iraq, military officials are going to great lengths to avoid the use of […]
Army Officer First to Cross Finish Line at Annual Marine Corps Marathon
Army 2nd Lt. Trevor Lafontaine was the first of over 30,000 runners from 50 countries to finish the 40th Annual Marine Corps Marathon in Washington, D.C. The Army officer finished […]
Army Vet Beau Biden Did Not Tell Joe to Run for President on Deathbed
On 60 Minutes, Vice President Joe Biden revealed that the story that his late son Major Beau Biden urged him to run for president moments before passing away was false. […]
Watch the Military Operation Where a Fallen Veteran Freed 70 ISIS Hostages
Master Sgt. Joshua L. Wheeler‘s died during a hostage-rescue operation on Oct. 22. While the country mourns his loss and remembers his sacrifice, released video footage of that operation is […]
Here’s an Old Government Film of Beavers … Parachuting
Paratroopers aren’t the only American daredevils dropped out of planes by the government. Well, now they are. But sometime in 1950, in Idaho, an unorthodox wildlife experiment put the toothy dam-building rodents […]
Marine Reunites With and Adopts Former Military Dog
After spending several combat tours apart, two Marine veterans have reunited at last. One of them is Sgt. Andrew Mulherron, a machine gunner who served in Afghanistan. The other was his partner […]
Elderly Vietnam Vet Beats Back Mugger in Intense Security Footage
Not too long ago, we shared a story of an Army vet who disarmed a knife-wielding assailant in a library. Though this vet was wounded in the altercation, he was able […]